Melissa Desgrottes is an immigration attorney, vegan-friendly cook and one of my very good friends. From the time we met when we were 14 years old in middle school, I knew she was special. Bright and bubbly with a killer smile, Melissa has a heart of gold and works tirelessly to share her knowledge and serve the people who truly need it most. Melissa makes it clear she wants to take up space, and I know how much the legal field and the world needs her.
Nia: Melissa! Please Introduce yourself and share what makes you, you?
Melissa: Hi! My name is Melissa, and I'm a 30 year old immigration attorney. I think I'm made of many moving parts. My logical brain is a product of my Aquarian nature and law school education, but at the same time, I'm a big dreamer and I love to imagine what a perfect world would look like. I think that makes me a very hardworking optimist.
N: What influenced you to begin your career in law?
M: Going to law school was kind of a spur of the moment decision for me. I knew that I wanted to enter a career path that would allow me to make big changes and help others who didn't have access to resources that other privileged people have. When I made the decision to become an attorney, I knew that I wanted to go into public interest law, because I would feel unfulfilled doing anything else.
N: What has been your biggest win thus far?

M: Apart from passing the bar exam, I would say my biggest win is gaining self confidence. In recent years I've learned what it means to truly love yourself. It's the best gift I could give myself, and no one can take that away from me.
N: What is the most exciting part about your work?
M: What I love most is meeting my clients, hearing their stories and their struggles, and using the law creatively in a way that works in their interest. Even if I don't always win a case, just knowing that I did my best, and that my clients felt that they had an advocate and someone who heard them and defended them when they felt alone, is fulfilling enough for me.
N: How do you feel you contribute to and help the lives of minority women?

M: In recent years, I try to seek out minority women owned businesses to support. I think black women owned business and black women entrepreneurship is a game changer and we need more of it out there! We create and set trends and deserve all the praise and credit for it.
N: What can you say about the experience of being a professional minority woman working in the legal field?
M: At times it's very difficult because I often feel like my voice goes unheard at work, but it is a reminder that I need to take up more space. On the other and it gives me an edge because clients of color (majority of our clients) feel relieved and more comfortable when they see that their lawyer looks like them.
N: What do you aspire to be for the future?
M: In the future, I would like to continue advocating for those who need it most, and find a good work/life balance that would give me time to focus on my personal life and to start my own family!
N: What are your favorite past-times or things you love do for fun?
M: I love to bake and cook! I always want to try new recipes and perfect my favorite ones. What I truly love and need to make more time fore is reading and writing creatively whether it be poetry or short stories.
Get to know Melissa! Follow her on instagram @melixlucina
Until next time,
