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Jasmine Norris: Miami's Creative Visionary

Jasmine is a New York Native turned Miami local. She is a designer, floral aficionado and a jet setter with a penchant for some very delicious avocado toast. From the time we met in college at FIT, I knew Jasmine had the juice. She was an enigma, a perfect mix of excitement and blissful calm. A mother to a very sassy Shitzu, Jasmine is a true creative who lives a life where no day is ever the same.

Introduce yourself and share what makes you, you? Jasmine: Hey, I’m Jasmine. A 30 yr old, art director living in Miami who also happens to be a travel enthusiast and flower obsessor. 

N: What influenced you to begin your career in design? J: I would say my design career came naturally. Art was always my favorite class growing up so I just veered towards it more and more until it was time to pick a career path and I said why not try.

N: What has been your biggest win thus far? J: Ohh this is a hard one. I could say a lot of things but my biggest win is personal. I’ve had my work on billboards, magazines, and products. I’ve had amazing titles such as creative director, but my biggest win is standing in my truth & being able to work in a space where my thoughts are respected, trusted and acknowledged without a second thought or fight.  N: What is the most exciting part about your work? J: I love seeing the final product in real life. The end result of teamwork and hard work. Walking into a hotel or restaurant or store & seeing a design you had a part in never gets old. 

N: How do you feel you contribute to and help the lives of minority women?

J: I honestly wouldn’t say I do anything in a huge way like I see some leaders in the space but for what I can do I try to hire and work with minority women when and wherever I can, always. 

N: Think of a challenging time in your life or career. How has it shaped your viewpoint life.

J: One of the most challenging times of my career was wanting to quit a job where I was over worked. I accepted another offer with a friend of friend’s startup and before I could give my 2 weeks my boss came back with a counter offer. Much higher than I was making at that time and more than what the new job offered. The hardest part was making the call that night to my friends friend and retracting my signed offer I submitted. I would have been an asset to his company and turned it down for the higher salary. It took so much courage and I think I even cried myself to sleep that night. I guess it was the subconscious what you think was “right” or the “adult” thing to do in that moment vs intuition. I quit a month later, lesson learned money can’t and won’t fix what your heart & mind already knows.

N: You're also an entrepreneur. Talk about some of your entrepreneurial pursuits and what they mean to you.

J: Yes, I have so many thoughts on this. I’m an entrepreneur, I had my own design company when I freelanced a few years back and I’m currently the owner of a floral company. I support entrepreneurs of all types and categories but after going through this twice it’s not for everyone, yes I turned my passion into a side company but honestly speaking I’m totally here for my 9-5. I like a steady check, I like my team, I like and support the brand I work for and I like my lifestyle. Some people consider me selling out cause I did and could make just as much freelancing but at the end of day I think it depends on what’s important to you. The “title” of being called an entrepreneur just doesn’t do it all for me. I want to still grow, collaborate, give my all to a brand to make them better. Also with my anxiety, the stress of the hustle and catching new business and negotiating and chasing for an invoice, all that takes the joy of creating out of it for me. 

N: What do you aspire to be for the future?

J: In the future I honestly aspire to be a good leader. I’ve had so many good mentors and super motivating bosses in my life that helped make me who I am. I want to be able to give that back to others who have started after me. 

N: What are your favorite past-times or things you love do for fun? J: Well given the current situation, my fav past-time is long Sunday morning walks with the pup by the ocean. Clear mind, good energy and great way to set intentions for the week. It was my “re-set” of sorts. Can’t wait to get back to that! 

Check out Jasmine's Miami-based flower shop at and on instagram @ fika.flowershop. Follow her on instagram @miss_chantel.

Til next time,


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