20 Habits and 4 apps that help you create a new mental and physical space during quarantine.
We can't be the only ones who are tired of looking at the same walls and hearing the white noise of t.v. updates. New York has come to a complete halt and it took all the fun things with it. This time can be used as a space of reflection - mental and/or physical. Try something new today.
Here are free 20 daily activities to do while staying at home

1. Open your windows for fresh and clean air.
2. Take a bath - hot and cold baths have its benefits.
3. Declutter and Clean - It's time for you to throw out that expired make up.
4. Take a walk with your mask on. Tip - Go early in the morning or around 8pm for a walk. At during these times, you can really avoid crowds .
5. Play relaxing meditation music and lay in your favorite position.

6. Listen to a podcast - ( I recommended Death, Sex and Money, Black Girl Podcast & Sexually Frustrated Black Girl Podcast)
7. Do a deep breathing exercise while relaxing your jaw and shoulders.
8. Look on Youtube to learn a new language - You will need this once you start to travel again.
9. Prepare yourself a healthy meal with items you have. Get creative!
10. Put on your favorite album and just dance.

11. Write about your goals - draw an app of how you will get there and what you bring to the role.
12. Write about gratitude.
13. Write about how you feel. Do a self check in and body check. Is there anything you need?
14. Write about what you want to change and how you will change it.
15. Write a letter to yourself about yourself and hide it until quarantine is over.

16. Change your sheets/make your bed.
17. Youtube : free yoga and mediation sessions.
19. Self groom - nails, hair, stretching, new make up routine . etc...
20. Stay informed with the news but limit yourself to an hour a day.- You have 19 other things you need to do. :)
4 Apps That Can Help You Declutter Your Mind & Find Space For New Thoughts
"Take a deep breath. That phrase greets you whenever you open Calm. It is both a call to action and a defining feature of the app's approach to meditation: you are going to get through this, and all you need to start is a moment. In the increasingly crowded field of apps for meditation ad mindfulness, Calm stands out for its ease of use and attention to detail."
Calm also offers free resources such as a gratitude journal template, managing stress workbook, an intentional living calendar and so much more.

2. HeadSpace: Meditation and Sleep
"Headspace's sleepcasts combine breathing techniques, guided meditation, soundscapes, and music to create an immersive experience; they can be as long as 55 mins and are remixed daily, so you never hear the same one twice."

3. Ten Percent Happier Meditation
"Ten Percent Happier offers guided meditation that encourages you to ease into sleep, practice gratitude as you drift off, and dissolve your discomfort. For most sessions, you can choose the length from 10 to 45 mins."

4. Zen: Meditation & Sleep
"Zen: Meditation & Sleep has programs that incorporate binaural beats and sounds designed to trigger an autonomous sensory meridian response all so known as ASMR. This is said to bring about a deeper state of relaxation."